Other types of alcohol like spirits and wine have fewer calories per standard drink than beer. This means they may be less likely to cause weight gain and belly fat. Another reason men may be at more risk of getting a beer belly is due to alcohol’s effect on the male sex hormone testosterone. Drinking alcoholic drinks like beer has been shown to lower levels of testosterone (27, 28, 29).

does alcohol make you gain weight

Buying the single glass bottle of wine is easiest for me until I reset my mind to only have this amount. Additionally, alcohol is a diuretic, meaning you lose more body water, so you’ll likely need to go to the bathroom more frequently and will often sweat more too. Drinking alcohol close to bedtime is initially a sleep aid; this is where the idea of ‘a drink before bed’ came from. However, alcohol impacts the critical stages of your sleep, such as deep and REM sleep. Most of us are probably aware that we prefer stodgy foods after drinking and are less inclined to be active the next day, but it can be pretty surprising when the numbers are added up.

Factors that may Explain the Conflicting Findings between Alcohol Intake and body Weight

It can increase the size of the abdomen, but it is different from bloating. Abdominal bloating after drinking alcohol may be due to gastritis. The main characteristic of gastritis is inflammation in the lining of the stomach. A lack of sleep, or poor quality of sleep, increases your appetite and cravings for junk food rich in refined carbohydrates and decreases your energy expenditure on the following day.

There is no doubt calories play some role in weight loss and weight gain, so the amount of alcohol you consume will impact it. The day after drinking alcohol promotes weight gain for a variety of reasons. Alcohol also lowers testosterone levels which greatly slows your body’s ability to burn fat while at rest, further contributing to weight gain.

This is what happens to your body when you drink

For example, a piña colada has as many as 500 calories per seven-ounce serving. Most studies on alcohol’s effects on appetite have been conducted in animals. More human research is needed to understand how alcohol affects hunger. One animal study published in 2017 found that alcohol activates cells in your brain that signal intense hunger.

The 12 Lowest-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks – Health.com

The 12 Lowest-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks.

Posted: Sun, 03 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Alcohol is high in empty calories and may affect hormones that signal appetite, hunger, and stress. Generally, you must consume fewer calories than you use to does alcohol make you gain weight lose weight. You do not have to give up alcohol entirely to create a calorie deficit. Instead, changing your drinking habits can help you manage your weight.

Cross-sectional Evidence

Overall, it’s thought that the more you drink, the higher your risk of gaining weight and developing a beer belly (8, 19). Interestingly, other studies have suggested that drinking beer in moderate amounts of less than 17 oz (500 ml) per day may not carry this risk (7, 8, 16). Eating food while drinking can help slow the absorption of alcohol, but some foods can also increase the risk of bloating, including fatty foods. Drinking alcohol may lead to inflammation and irritation in the stomach which results in bloating. Alcohol can also cause weight gain, giving the appearance of bloating.

The nutritionist agreed that over-consumption of alcohol, especially on a regular basis, can lead to higher appetite and less muscle build-up. It can cause brain and liver damage, and it increases your risk of cancers as well as your risk of death from car crashes, injuries, homicides, and suicide. However, if you drink a lot of beer or binge drink regularly then you are at a very high https://ecosoberhouse.com/ risk of belly fat gain, as well as various other serious health problems. So, if you’re trying to lose weight and improve your health, switch to a diet mostly based on whole, unprocessed foods and cut back on added sugar (42, 43, 44). This is important to note, since low levels of testosterone may increase your risk of weight gain, especially around the belly (30, 31, 32, 33).