The most important people in business, politics and administration can be found at the Green Report Conferences.
They share their experiences, present different angles, suggest new visions, establish collaborations, and initiate projects. All of this in an unconventional space, away from standard offices and classic meeting rooms.
Programul este in curs de lucru
Successful businesses shake traditional models - solutions found by companies for environmental protection
Solutions for reducing urban pollution - the partnership between public authorities is key to reducing pollution & the Master Plan of the City Halls in Bucharest and Timisoara
Impact of pollution on health. Opportunities and risks for the social and business sector.
(Self)-motivational area: what can we keep from what we have and what we need to change. Analysis of the authorities’ psychology and of the population’s behavior with respect to caring for the environment.
Lista speakerilor este in curs de actualizare
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