Virtual data rooms are crucial for any company that deals with sensitive data. These tools are commonly employed in M&A transactions to shield crucial information from unauthorized third parties during due diligence. However, it’s not just the M&A process that requires sophisticated protection – intellectual property such as research results, patents, and more are often involved in a wide variety of projects that require access to documents.

When selecting a data room be sure it is fit for purpose and has the features that you require to meet your company’s needs. You should select a provider that allows you to test their platform and ask questions prior to paying a subscription fee. Also, ensure the cost is reasonable and based on what tools they provide.

Find a virtual dataroom that has a robust security system to ensure that only authorized users have access. It is vital to have a strong two-factor authentication (2FA) system that prevents unauthorised sharing. Remote shred that erases documents downloaded after an administrator has cancelled access is a great feature.

The best data room software providers can restrict access to certain documents or even a folder within the document. They can also impose an expiration date on documents to prevent unauthorized downloads, and they will allow administrators to apply custom watermarks to files that deter shady intent from users who are only temporary. In addition, they should be able support the majority of common file formats, such as PDFs and XLSXs.